1. Kalikimaka Nights; 2. Alohalani, Kalikimaka Auntie; 3. Hawaiian language verse Kalikimaka Nights; 4. Santa, We've Been Good5. Sing-along track for Santa, We've Been Good
Christmas Hawaiian-Style: a young demi-god granddaughter of Maui (Alohalani) is charged, by the folk gods, Santa and Mrs Claus, with setting up Kalikimaka and with being Hawaii's gift giver.
Big Island Kamehameha Elementary School 4th graders choir sings Rob's song Kalikimaka Nights with interspersed video scenes depicting Hawai'i during Kalikimaka season
Honolulu Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus (Hula Records)
The fiirst version of Rob's Song, "Santa We've Been Good" was introduced on GBMPs earlier CD, "A Father Daughter Christmas"; it was released in Hawai'i. The song was included on the subsequent "Christmas Hawaiian-Style" CD. The Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus recorded the song on the Hawai'i's Favorite Christmas Songs CD, above
Santas, We've Been Good won the Hawai'i Christmas Songwriting Contest
A Father-Daughter Christmas CD was nominated for a Hawaiian grammy (Hoku) by the members of the Hawaiian Academy of Recording Arts. It was also nominated for a People's Choice award
© Robert R Westerman 5/11 2020 musicgoldboy.com